Template Type and Positioning
Type: Free, open-source template[1] Target Audience: Developers building SAAS products[1] Tech Stack:
- Next.js as the core framework
- Supabase for backend services
- Stripe for payments
- Clerk for authentication[1]
Key Features
Authentication & Authorization
- Integrated with Clerk authentication system
- Flexible auth configuration through config.ts[1]
Database Integration
- Supabase integration with service key configuration
- Prisma ORM for database management
- Row Level Security (RLS) implementation[1]
Payment Processing
- Complete Stripe integration
- Support for subscription management
- Price ID configuration[1]
Development Architecture
const config = {
auth: {
enabled: true, // Configurable Clerk authentication
payments: {
enabled: true, // Configurable Stripe payments
Development Experience
Setup Process:
- Clear prerequisites documentation
- Structured environment configuration
- Step-by-step setup instructions[1][4]
Configuration Requirements:
- Node.js and yarn/bun
- Supabase account and API keys
- Stripe account (optional)
- Clerk account (optional)[1]
Development Workflow:
git clone <repository-url>
cd <project-directory>
# Configure .env file
yarn dev
Business Features
Core Capabilities:
- Subscription management through Stripe
- User authentication and authorization
- Database management with Prisma
- Webhook integration for both auth and payments[1]
Security Features:
- Row Level Security in Supabase
- Server-side API calls
- Secure key management[1]
Maintenance and Support
- Comprehensive setup documentation
- Integration guides for:
- Next.js
- Tailwind CSS
- Supabase
- Prisma
- Clerk
- Stripe[1]
Security Best Practices:
- Server-side API calls for enhanced security
- Environment variable management
- Webhook security implementation[1]
Distinguishing Characteristics
Modular Architecture: The template uses a modular approach allowing features to be enabled/disabled through configuration[1]
Full-Stack Integration: Provides complete integration between:
- Frontend (Next.js)
- Database (Supabase)
- Authentication (Clerk)
- Payments (Stripe)[1]
Developer-First Approach:
- Clear documentation
- Structured setup process
- Flexible configuration options[1]
Production-Ready Features:
- Webhook handling
- Database migrations
- Security implementations[1]
This template stands out for its comprehensive integration of modern tools while maintaining flexibility and ease of setup. It's particularly suitable for developers who want to quickly bootstrap a SAAS product with industry-standard tools and practices[1][4].
Citations: [1] https://github.com/michaelshimeles/nextjs-starter-kit [2] https://github.com/leerob/next-saas-starter/actions [3] https://github.com/async-lab [4] https://github.com/michaelshimeles/nextjs-starter-kit [5] https://github.com/leerob/next-saas-starter/actions [6] https://github.com/async-labs/saas/labels [7] https://github.com/zenstackhq/zenstack [8] https://github.com/mickasmt/next-saas-stripe-starter/activity [9] https://github.com/SimonHoiberg/saas-template [10] https://github.com/Siumauricio/landing-template-nextui/labels [11] https://github.com/antoineross/Hikari [12] https://github.com/themefisher/bigspring-light-nextjs [13] https://saasrock.com [14] https://www.shipfast.dev [15] https://github.com/vercel/nextjs-subscription-payments