Template Type and Positioning
Taxonomy is a free, open-source application built using Next.js that serves as an experimental project demonstrating modern app features[8]. It's primarily targeted at developers looking to understand how to implement common SaaS functionality using modern web technologies.
Tech Stack:
- Next.js as the core framework
- Contentlayer and MDX for documentation
- Tailwind CSS for styling
- Radix UI primitives for accessibility[19]
Key Features
Documentation System:
- MDX support for content creation
- Content transformation and validation via Contentlayer
- Table of contents functionality
- Custom navigation with prev/next paging
- Code blocks with syntax highlighting using rehype-pretty-code and shiki[5]
UI Components:
- Built on top of Radix UI primitives for accessibility
- Styled using Tailwind CSS
- Includes custom MDX components like
<Callout />
and<Card />
Development Experience
Setup and Documentation:
- Components are implemented using the shadcn/ui approach
- Allows copying components directly or generating them via CLI
- Provides flexibility in component implementation without package dependencies[19]
- Supports theme customization through CSS variables
- Offers both light and dark mode capabilities (though marked as in progress)
- Allows component-level customization[5]
Business Features
While Taxonomy itself is more of a demonstration project than a full SaaS boilerplate, it showcases:
- Documentation site implementation
- Content management workflow
- Component architecture patterns[5]
Maintenance and Support
The project has significant community backing:
- 18.8k stars on GitHub
- 2.6k forks
- Active issue tracking with 126 open issues
- 86 pull requests[8]
Unique Positioning
Taxonomy stands out for:
Component-First Approach: Rather than being a complete SaaS solution, it focuses on providing reusable, accessible components[19]
Documentation Focus: Excellent example of building documentation sites with modern tools[5]
Educational Value: Serves as a reference implementation for modern Next.js features and practices[8]
Community Impact: Has influenced other projects, with some building upon its foundation to create more comprehensive SaaS solutions[40]
- Not a complete SaaS solution - lacks:
- Authentication system
- Payment processing
- User management
- Subscription handling
- Some features are still in progress:
- Built-in search functionality
- Dark mode implementation[5]
Best Suited For
Taxonomy is ideal for:
- Developers building documentation sites
- Teams looking for component architecture reference
- Projects requiring accessible UI components
- Those wanting to understand modern Next.js practices
It's important to note that Taxonomy is not positioned as a complete SaaS boilerplate but rather as a reference implementation focusing on UI components and documentation. For a full SaaS solution, developers might need to combine Taxonomy's UI approach with other tools or choose a more comprehensive starter kit.
Citations: [1] https://github.com/shadcn/taxonomy [2] https://github.com/leerob/next-saas-starter/actions [3] https://github.com/async-labs/saas/actions [4] https://saasykit.com/multi-tenancy [5] https://tx.shadcn.com/docs/documentation [6] https://dev.to/saasboilerplate/saas-boilerplate-and-starter-kit-4c1p [7] https://saasboilerplates.dev/posts/choosing-the-right-starter-kit-in-2025/ [8] https://github.com/shadcn-ui/taxonomy/activity [9] https://supastarter.dev [10] https://boilerplatehub.com/free-tools/saas-business-plan-calculator [11] https://tx.shadcn.com/docs/documentation/style-guide [12] https://www.reddit.com/r/nextjs/comments/1ff5hh0/nextjs_saas_starter_postgres_stripe_tailwind/ [13] https://github.com/CriticalMoments/CMSaasStarter [14] https://www.reddit.com/r/SaaS/comments/18iupqp/best_saas_boilerplate/ [15] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78595952/how-to-use-absolute-positioning-in-shadcn-accordion [16] https://syntax.fm/videos/cj-syntax/create-your-own-next-js-starter-template [17] https://github.com/asendlabs/startstack [18] https://dorik.com/blog/saas-tools-for-business [19] https://blog.logrocket.com/shadcn-ui-adoption-guide/ [20] https://nextjsstarter.com/blog/optimize-workflow-with-nextjs-saas-starter-tools/ [21] https://github.com/shadcn-ui/taxonomy/blob/main/app/layout.tsx [22] https://anotherwrapper.com/blog/saas-boilerplates [23] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcTzlJi2Oz4 [24] https://vercel.com/templates/next.js/next-js-saas-starter-1 [25] https://usegravity.app/saas-boilerplate [26] https://tx.shadcn.com/docs/documentation [27] https://dev.to/saasboilerplate/saas-boilerplate-and-starter-kit-4c1p [28] https://nextjs-boilerplate.com/pro-saas-starter-kit [29] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AOu45F487Y [30] https://www.trydome.io/blog/what-the-heck-is-a-saas-template-and-do-i-need-one [31] https://www.saas-starter-kits.com/nextjs [32] https://staarter.dev [33] https://www.reddit.com/r/SaaS/comments/1dd90fm/i_created_a_nextjs_saas_starter_kit_to_help_you/ [34] https://www.reddit.com/r/react/comments/1ffjs7j/i_think_i_screwed_up_by_using_shadcn_ui/ [35] https://www.nextjet.dev [36] https://docs.shuttle.rs/templates/fullstack/saas-template [37] https://jamstackthemes.dev/theme/next-saas-starter/ [38] https://boilerplatelist.com/collections/top-laravel-saas-boilerplates/ [39] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raKAoh9mWzM [40] https://github.com/shadcn-ui/taxonomy/issues/285